Master Materials Technology (MMT 2)
The course "Master Materials Technology (MMT 2)" is offered as part of the master program and always takes place in the summer semester.
- Type: Lecture + Exercise
- Scope: 4 SWS
- Language: English
- Coordinator / lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Ingor Baumann
For further information, please refer to the module manual for the Master's program on the web pages of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
Participation in the Moodle course (SoSe 2024)
Takes place via the Moodle system of the TU Dortmund. The link to this can be found below.
- Moodle room: Materials Technology 2 - SoSe 2024
- Password for self-enrollment: No password required.
- Enrollment deadline: Expected to expire on 31.05.2024. If you would like to enroll after that date, please send an email request to: ingor.baumanntu-dortmundde
Here you will also find all lecture and exercise materials in PDF format. Likewise, you will be informed via the Moodle system by e-mail about any announcements regarding the course.
Event times and venues (SoSe 2024)
The course "Master Materials Technology (MMT) 2" will held in the summer semester 2024 as follows:
Lecture and exercise (face-to-face events)
- Date: Always on Wednesdays, 13:00 - 17:00
- Period: 10.04.2024 - 17.07.2024
- Venue: LWT / SR015 (Leonhard-Euler-Str. 2, ground floor, left hallway)
An introductory session will be held on the first appointment (10.04.2024).
Q&A session and wrap-up of the exam topics
- For the MMT 2 exam, an individual Q&A session / wrap-up of the exam topics will be held at the end of each (winter and summer) semester. The topics from the previous semester are no longer valid.
- In the summer semester 2024 this date will take place on 17.07.2024 at the usual course time (13:00 - 17:00).
- The slides for the Q&A session / wrap-up of the exam topics will be available for download in the associated Moodle room.
- Please note, that the topics for the exam can generally not be provided in written form or via a video recording. If you are unable to attend the appointment, please get the notes from a fellow student.
- Type of examination: written exam (duration: 90 minutes)
- Exam date: The MMT 2 exam will be held on 30.08.2024, 09:00 - 11:00, CT Zentralbereich - HS ZE 15
- For organizational reasons, please be in the lecture hall 15 minutes beforehand.
Digital course (if required)
If for any reason (e.g. the Corona Pandemic) it is not possible to hold a face-to-face course, lectures and exercises will alternatively be held in digital form via the Zoom software. This will be explicitly announced in advance, otherwise all courses will be held face-to-face.
The zoom room is as follows:
After that, simply follow the instructions. Initial access to the room may require the installation of a ZOOM web app via the web browser. Or alternatively, you can use the Zoom desktop software (download at: and enter directly:
- Meeting-ID: 982 2720 0659
- Identification code: 766668
If possible, please use a headset and a webcam to participate in the event.
Information about the course
The module "Materials Technology" offers students to gain a deeper knowledge in the area of metallic materials and polymer materials as well as their technologies. This course provides students with a detailed knowledge base concerning different materials, their production and finishing process, as well as their specific characteristics and fields of application. In the field of polymers, one focus is on the most important production processes and their design methods for plastic components. Additionally, processing of plastic components will be discussed in detail. Within this context, tools used to manufacture application-oriented plastic components will be investigated as well. Furthermore, this module provides knowledge concerning metallic materials, special materials, as well as possible phase- and alloy formations. A solid knowledge base concerning the mechanical behaviour, with a special focus on fracture mechanisms and wear mechanisms, will be provided. These basics are supplemented by discussing technological processes to join components and investigating surface treatments for relevant materials.
Teaching content
- Powder metallurgy
- Failure analysis
- Thermal spraying
- Physical vapor deposition (PVD)
- Alloys and phase diagrams
- Nanomaterials
- Corrosion and high-temperature materials
- Joining processes
- Material testing
- Heat treatment
- Tribology
This course introduces students to the field of metallic materials and polymers, including their typical characteristics and field of application. They gain a deeper knowledge about different materials, with a special focus on their application-oriented potential. Furthermore, this course will enhance the ability of students to evaluated construction materials by using different interdisciplinary methods in order to choose a material for a specific field of application. It is highly recommended to take the elective course “Basics of Materials and Technology” before.